It’s time to get to know You.
Not the person you think you should be. Not the person you once were. And certainly not the person someone else wants you to be.
There is no one on earth like you. That’s why you’re here. The world needs you.
Your laughter, your pain, your weaknesses, your sighs, your bravery, your fear, your ideas and your light.
And that’s why we’re here. We passionately believe that everyone should be living a life they love, from a space of deep seated truth.
Your truth.
Providing you with the tools to connect to this unique part of yourself is our mission. We want you to celebrate that part of yourself so much, and breathe into it so deeply, that it invades every aspect of your life and all the hidden space in between.
We want to show you how to keep turning up - with ease - in some small way every single day - to embody your most empowered, compassionate, fulfilled and creative self.
We want you to cultivate presence in the here and now - to be the change you want to see - to bring your kind of magic into being because a world filled with those kind of humans, is a world we want to live in.
No sitting still or clearing your mind required.
Whatever your needs or expectations, we’re creating content for you.
Game changers - Peacemakers - Trouble makers too.
Meet your best self, one breath at a time.
(Hint: they're already here.)
Welcome to Still Space.
Still Space landed at approximately 2.30am in Los Angeles, May 2015 when I awoke, overwhelmed with inspiration. The name, along with a business plan flowed inkily, effortlessly, ferociously, onto the blank pages of my notebook, almost as though someone else were writing it.
Back in the UK in June, in and around my multi-passionate pursuits as an actor, writer and producer, I tentatively started to develop those ideas. It wasn’t until the Autumn that I committed to creating it as a business. Six teeny tiny weeks later alongside three other jobs - yep, truly - Still Space launched on December 1st to great success. And me? Well I had a nervous breakdown! Shortly followed by an almighty breakthrough - the miraculous moment I awoke from the cultural delusion that busyness & burnout somehow equate to success. As a perennial slave to the ‘no pain, no gain’ work ethic, I recognised that I had been conforming to an unsustainable, inauthentic, goal-oriented ‘Just Do It’ framework, that society told me was not only acceptable, but the only way to achieve just about anything. This precious lesson I believe was/is one of the most important I am personally here to learn, and Still Space’s true purpose in being here to share and teach.
I have since gone on a mission to deconstruct my own life, examining what I believe is a modern addiction of ‘doing’. I have discovered that by implementing the tiniest of steps, deeply personal to the individual, we can effect great change towards creating a much healthier work-life balance, doing less, being more and easing the pressures of the fast-paced lifestyles that so many of us have become accustomed to. I aim to harness every relevant aspect of my journey, past and present to share my discoveries in real time; to contradict myself along the way as I evolve and my ideas expand; to create and share the simplest and most effective techniques that have worked timelessly for me i.e. that everyone can do, from which everyone can benefit and that everyone has time for.
Thank you for taking the time to check us out and check in with yourself. I believe there is no better time than now, and no relationship more important for you to nurture.
With love, only love,
Sian is an actor, writer, producer and conscious living practitioner. She lives in London where she was born and raised,
founded Still Space in order to support those who like her, feel summoned to create change but want to do it with ease, grace and consistency. In sharing her personal and unique approaches to living more consciously, she hopes to challenge you to radically accept where you're at and confront yourself in ways that will be of benefit not only to you as an individual but as a member of the global community supporting the collective whole.
For all Press/Acting related queries, or to book Sian for an event, please contact Jess Alford at United Agents +44 (020) 3214 0800
“Still Space is the answer. I can’t remember what the question was because I’m too zen but you should all try it out immediately! Cannot tell you how much good it’s done me. You are amazing and I am very grateful. ~ KS”